
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Compares the 1550 Stephanus Textus Receptus with the King James Bible.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537



24:1When a man hath taken a wife and maryed her, yf she fynde no fauoure in his eies, because he hath spied some vnclennesse in her. Then let hym wryte her a bylle of deuorcement & put it in her hande and sende her out of hys house.
24:2If when she is departed out of hys house, she go and be another mans wif
24:3and the seconde husbande hate her & wryte her a letter of deuorcement & put it in her hande & sende her out of his house: or yf the seconde man dye whiche toke her to wyfe,
24:4her fyrst man which sent her awaye may not take her agayne to be hys wyfe, in as moch as she is defyled. For that is abhomynacion in the syght of the Lorde: that thou defyle not the land with sinne, which the Lord thy god geueth the to enheret.
24:5When a man taketh a newe wife, he shal not go a warrefare nether shalbe charged wt any busynesse: but shalbe fre at home one yere & reioyse with hys wyfe which he hath taken.
24:6No man shal take the neather or the vppermylstone to pledge, for then he taketh a mans lyfe to pledge.
24:7If any man be found stealyng any of hys brethren the chyldren of Israel, & maketh cheuesaunce of hym or selleth him, the thefe shall dye. And thou shalt put euell away from the.
24:8Take heade to thy selfe as concernynge the plage of leprosye, that thou obserue dyligently to do accordyng to all that the Preastes the Leuites shall teache the, as I commaunded them so ye shal obserue to do.
24:9Remembre what the Lord thy God dyd vnto Miriam by the waye, after that ye were come out of Egypte.
24:10If thou lende thy brother any maner socoure, thou shalt not go in to hys house to fetche a pledge:
24:11but shalt stande without & the man to whom thou lendest, shall brynge the pledge out at the dore.
24:12Forthermore yf it be a pore body, go not to slepe wt hys pledg
24:13but delyuer hym the pledge agayne by that the sonne go doune, & let him slepe in hys awne rayment and blesse the. And it shalbe ryghteousnes vnto the, before the Lord thy god.
24:14Thou shalt not defraude an hyred seruaunte that is nedye and poore whether he be of thy brethren or a straunger that is in thy land
24:15with in thy cyties. Geue him his hyre the same daye, and let not the sonne go doune theron. For he is nedye and therwith susteyneth hys lyfe, lest he crye agaynst the vnto the Lord and it be synne vnto the.
24:16The fathers shal not dye for the chyldren nor the children for the fathers: but euery man shal dye for his awne synne.
24:17Hynder not the ryght of the straunger nor of the fatherlesse, nor take wedowes rayment to pledge.
24:18But remembre that thou wast a seruaunte in Egypte, and how the Lord thy God delyuered the thence. Wherfore I commaunde the to do this thyng.
24:19When thou cuttest doune thy herueste in the feeld & hast forgotte a shefe in the feelde thou shalt not go agayne and fett it: But it shalbe for the straunger, the fatherlesse & the wydowe, that the Lord thy God may blesse the in all the workes of thyne hande.
24:20When thou beatest doune thyne olyue trees thou shalt not make cleane riddaunce after the: but it shalbe for the straunger, the fatherlesse & the wydowe.
24:21And when thou gatherest they venyarde, thou shalt not gather cleane after the: but it shalbe for the straunger, the fatherlesse & the wyddow.
24:22And remembre that thou wast a seruaunt in the land of Egipte: wherfore I commaunde the to do this thinge.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.