
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

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Genesis 5:32

(Click on the Strongs Numbers)

Masoretic Text 1524

H1961 was ויהי
H5146 And Noah נח
H1121 old בן
H2568 five חמשׁ
H3967 hundred מאות
H8141 years שׁנה
H3205 begat ויולד
H5146 and Noah נח
H853   את
H8035 Shem שׁם
H853   את
H2526 Ham חם
H853   ואת
H3315 and Japheth יפת׃

King James Bible (Oxford 1769)

H3315 Japheth
H8035 Shem
H3205 begat
H5146 Noah
H8141 years
H3967 hundred
H2568 five
H5146 Noah

Hebrew-English Dictionary

Strongs: H2526
Hebrew: חָם
Transliteration: Châm
Pronunciation: khawm
Part of Speech: Noun
Bible Usage: Ham.

hot (from the tropical habitat); {Cham} a son of Noah; also (as a patronymic) his descendants or their country

Ham = "hot"

1. 2nd son of Noah, father of Canaan and of various peoples which were inhabitants of southern lands

2. in late usage, a collective name for Egyptians n pr loc

3. the place where Chedorlaomer smote the Zuzim, probably in the territory of Ammonites (Gilead) east of the Jordan

The Brown-Driver-Briggs
Hebrew-English Lexicon (BDB) 1906
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
by James Strong (S.T.D.) (LL.D.) 1890.