
Textus Receptus Bibles

Wessex Gospels c.1175



13:1On þam dayge þam hælende ut-gangenden of huse he sæt wið þa sæ.
13:2& michele menigeo wæren ge-samnode to hym. swa þæt he eode on scyp & þær sæt. & eall syo menigeo. stod on þam waruðe.
13:3& he spæc to heom fele on bispellen cweðende. Soðlice ut-eode se sæwere hys sæd to sawenne.
13:4& þa þa he seow. sume hye feollen wið weig. & fugeles comen & æten þa.
13:5Soðlice sume feollen on stænette þær hyt næfde mychele eorðan. & rædlice up-sprungen for-þan þe hyo næfdon þare eorðan deopan.
13:6Soðlice up-sprungenre sunne hyo adruwedon & for-scrunken. for-þam þe hyo næfdon wyrtrum.
13:7Soðlice sume feollen on þornen. & þa þornes weoxan & for-þrysmedon þa.
13:8sume soðlice Note: MS. sodlice. feollen on gode eorðan. & sealden wæstme. sume hundred-fealde. sum syxtig-fealde. sum þrittig-fealdne.
13:9Se þe hæbbe earan to ge-herenne ge-here.
13:10& þa genehlahten his leorning-cnihtes & cwæðen to hym. For-hwi spæcst þu to heom mid byspellen.
13:11Ða answerede he heom. for-þan þe eow ys ge-seald to witene heofene riches geryne. & heom nys na ge-seald.
13:12Soðlice þam þe hafð him beoð ge-seald. & he hæfð. soðlice se þe næfð. & þæt he hæfð him beoð æt-broden.
13:13For-þam ic spece to heom mid byspellen. for-þam þe lokiende hyo ne geseoð. & ge-herende hyo ne ge-hereð. ne ne on-geteð
13:14þæt on heom sy ge-felled ysaias gewitegung. Of ge-hernysse ge geheorað. & ge ne ongyteð Note: MS. ongyted. . & lokiende ge ge-seoð. & ge ne ge-seoð.
13:15Soðlice þises folkes heorte. is aherd. & hyo hefylice mid earen ge-hyrden. & heora eagen be-clysdon. þe læs hye afre mid eagen ge-seagen. & mid earan ge-hyrdon. & mid heortan on-getan. & syon ge-cherde. & ic hyo ge-hæle.
13:16Soðlice eadygen synd eowrum eagen for-þam þe hyo ge-seoð. & eowre earan forþam þe hyo ge-herað.
13:17Soðlice on eornestlice ic eow segge þæt manega witegan & rihtwise ge-wilneden þa þing to ge-seonne þe ge ge-seoð. & hyo ne ge-seagen. & ge-hyran þa þing þe ge ge-hyrað. & hyo ne ge-hyrdon.
13:18Ge-hyre ge soðlice þa sawenden byspellen.
13:19Ælc þare þe godes word gehyrð & ne ongyt þanne cymð deofel & bereafað þæt on hys heortan asæwen is. þæt is se þe on þanne weig ä-sawen is.
13:20Soðlice se þe ofer stan asawen is. þæt is se þe þæt godes word ge-hyrð & hrædlice þæt mid blisse onfegð.
13:21Soðlice hit næfð þanne wertrum on him ac is hwilwendlic. Geworðenre gedrefendnysse & ehtnysse for þam worde rædlice hyo beoð ge-untreowsede.
13:22Soðlice þæt þe asawen is on þornen. þæt ys se þe þæt word ge-hyrð. & þanne geornfulnisse þisse worlde. & leasunge þissere worlde welen forþresmiað. þæt word. & hit is buten wæstme ge-worðen.
13:23Soðlice þæt þe asawen wæs on þæt gode land þæt is se þe þæt word ge-herð. & on-gyt. & þane wæstme bringð & þonne deð sum hund-fealdne. sum sixtig-fealdne. sum þrittig-fealdne.
13:24He rehte heom þa þa oðerne byspel & þus cwæð. heofene riche is ge-worðen þam men gelic þe seow god sæd on his akere.
13:25Soðlice þa þa men slepen. þa com hys feonda sum & ofer-seow hit mid coccle on middam (sic) þam hwæte & ferden (sic) þanen.
13:26Soðlice þa syo wert weox & þanne wæstm brohte þa atewede se coccel hine.
13:27þa eoden þas hlaferdes þeowas. & cwæðen. Hlaford hu ne seowe þu god sæd on þinen akere. hwanen hafde he coccel.
13:28þa cwæð he. þæt dyde unhold man. þa cwæðen þa þeowas. wilt þu we gað & gaderieð Note: MS. gaderied. hyo.
13:29þa cwæð he ne se þe læs ge þanne hwate awertwalien. þanne ge þanne coccel gaderiað.
13:30Læteð ayþer wexan oððe riptiman. & on þam riptiman ic segge þan riperen gaderiað ærest þanne coccel & bindeð Note: MS. binde sceaf-mælen to for-bærnenne. & gaderiað Note: MS. gaderiad. þane hwæte in-to mine berne.
13:31He rette heom þa get oðer bispell þus cweðende. heofena rice is ge-worðen gelich senepes corn. þæt seow se man on hys akere.
13:32þæt ys alre sæde læst. Soðlice þanne hyt wexað hyt ys alre wyrte mæst. & hyt wurð treow. swa þæt heofene fugeles cumað & eardigeð Note: MS. eardiged. þær on his bogen.
13:33He spræc to heom oðer byspell & þus cwæð. heofene riche is ge-lic þam beorman þonne þæt wif onfeng & be-hydde on þrem gemitten melewes oð þæt hyt wæs eall ahafan.
13:34Ealle þas þing se hælend spæc mid byspellen to þam weredum. & nan þing ne spæc he buton byspellen.
13:35þæt wære ge-fylled þas witegan cwide. Ic untyne minne muð mid bispellen. ich bodige digelnysse fram midden-eardes ge-setnysse.
13:36He for-let þa þa menigeo. & com to his inne. & þa ge-neahlahten to hym his leorning-cnihtes & cwæðen. A reche üs þæt bispell þas hwætes & þas coccles
13:37þa andswerede he heom. se þe seow þt gode sæd se is mannes sune.
13:38Soðlice se aker is þis midden-eard. þæt gode sæd þæt synden þas heofenlican rices bearn. Se coccel synde soðlice þa manfulle bearn.
13:39Se unholde man se þe þane coccel seow þt is deofel. Soðlice þt rip ys weorlde endunge. þa riperas sende englas.
13:40Eornostlice swa swa se coccel byð ge-gadered & mid fere for-berned Note: MS. forberneð. swa beoð on werolde ændunge.
13:41mannes sune sent his ængles & hyo gaderiað of hys riche ealle gedrefednysse & þa þe unriht-wisnesse wercheð Note: MS. werched.
13:42& asendeð hyo on fyres ofen þær byð wop & toðe gritbitung (sic)
13:43þanne scineð Note: MS. scined. þa rithwisa swa swa sunne on heora fæder riche.
13:44Heofene rice is ge-lic gehydden gold-horden. on þam akere þanne be-bit (sic) se man þe hine fint & for hys blisse gæð. & silð æll þæt he hæfð & ge-beið þanne Aker.
13:45Eft is heofene riche gelic þam mangere þe sohte þt gode meregrot
13:46þa he funde þt an derwurðe mere-grot þa eode he & sealde all þæt he ahte & bohte þæt meregrot.
13:47Eft ys heofene rice ge-lic. asende nytte on þa sæ. & of ælche fyskenne gaderiende.
13:48þa hyo þa þæt nyt up-atugen & sæten be þam strande. þa ge-curen hyo þa goden on heora fate. þa yfele hy atorfedon ut.
13:49Swa beoð on þissere worulde endunge. þa ængles fareð Note: MS. fared. . & asyndrieð ða yfele of þare godere midlene.
13:50& a-wurpeð hyo on þas feres ofen. þær byð wop & toke (sic) gristbyting.
13:51ongete ge ealle þas þing. þa cwæðen hyo, witodlice we hyt on-getað.
13:52þa sægde he heom. for-þan is ælc læred bokere on heofene riche ge-lic þam heordes ealdre þe forð-bringð of hys gold-horde nywe þing & ealde.
13:53Ænd hyt wæs geworðen þa se hælend ge-endode þas byspell. þa ferde he þanon.
13:54& þa he com to hys earde he lærde hyo on heora samnungen swa þæt hyo wundredon & cwæðen. hwanen ys þisum. þes wisdom & þis maigen.
13:55Witodlice þes is smiðes sune. & hu ne hatte his moder MARie & hys broðra iacob & ioseph. & symon & iudas.
13:56& hu ne synd ealle hys swustre mid us. hwanen synðon þisen ealle þas þing.
13:57& hyo wæren untreowsede Note: MS. untweowsede. on him. Ða soðlice saigde se hælend heom. nis nan witege buton wurðscipe bute on hys earde. & on his huse.
13:58& he ne worhte þær manega mænege Note: read mægene. buto for heora ungeleaffulnysse.
Wessex Gospels c.1175

Wessex Gospels c.1175

The Wessex Gospels (also known as the West-Saxon Gospels) are a full translation of the four gospels of the Christian Bible into a West Saxon dialect of Old English. Designated Royal MS 1 A XIV, it is historically important.

  • The Wessex Gospels are the oldest translations into English without the Latin.
  • The gospels are written in the Old English West Anglo-Saxon dialect of Northumbria.
  • Royal MS 1 A XIV is written on parchment and is also known as the Codex Evangeliorum Anglice.
  • The title written at the top of the page, ‘Text[us] iv evangelior[um] anglice’, is reproduced in the 14th-century catalogue of the Benedictine Christ Church library, but at the Reformation this book was one of many acquired from religious houses by Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury from 1532 to 1534, whose name is written at the top of the page.
  • Seven extant copies exist today. The earliest version dates from 990AD.
  • Royal MS 1 A XIV was copied directly from MS 441 in the Bodleian library at Oxford. We know this as the same passages have been omitted from both. It has a transmission jump of 185 years.
  • MS 441 (990AD) is extant and still resides in the Bodleian Library at Oxford University, England. It was given to the library by Baron Hatton in 1671. Paleographical evidence suggests a Canterbury origin. The earliest extant evidence of ownership is through Archbishop Matthew Parker (1504-75).
  • MS Corp. Ch Coll Camb 140 (1000AD) is in Corpus Christi College Cambridge.
  • Royal MS 1 A XIV (1175AD) is in the British Library and was presented to the British Museum by King George II in 1757 from the Old Royal Library.
  • Royal MS 1 A XIV once belonged to the Prince of Wales: Henry Frederick, (1594-1612), eldest child of King James the First.

Why is this important?

  • Desiderius Erasmus had access to these MSS before starting his translation of the Textus Receptus. In the five years prior to starting his translation work Erasmus was Professor of Divinity at Cambridge at a time when the university's benefactors owned these manuscripts.
  • The King James Bible translators had access to these manuscripts. All the six KJV translation companies where housed at Oxford, Cambridge and Westminster and all had access to the Wessex Gospels.
  • The codex contains the long ending in Mark chapter 16.
  • The codex contains the Pericope Adulterae (John 7:53-8:11)