Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
25:1 | Abraham toke hym an other wife called Ketura, |
25:2 | whyche bare hym Simran, Iecksan, Medan Midian, Iesback and Suah. |
25:3 | And Iecksan begat Seba & Dedan. And the sons of Dedan were Assurim, Letusim & Leumim. |
25:4 | And the sonns of Midian were Epha, Epher, Hanoch, Abida & Clda. All these were the children of Ketura. |
25:5 | But Abraham gaue all that he had vnto Isaac. |
25:6 | And vnto the sonnes of hys concubynes he gaue gyftes, and sent them away from Isaac hys sonne (whyle he yet lyued) eastwarde vnto the east contrye. |
25:7 | These are the dayes of the life of Abraham which he liued: an hundred & .lxxv. yere, |
25:8 | and then fell sycke & dyed in a lusty age (when he had liued inough) & was put vnto his people. |
25:9 | And hys sonnes Isaac & Ismael buried hym in the double caue in the felde of Ephron sonne of Zoar the Hethite before Mamre. |
25:10 | Which field Abraham bought of the sonnes of Heth: There was Abraham buried & Sara hys wyfe. |
25:11 | And after the death of Abraham God blessed Isaac hys sonne, whych dwelled by the well of lyuynge and seynge. |
25:12 | These are the generations of Ismael Abrahams sonne, whych Hagar the Egyptian Saras handmaide bare vnto Abraham. |
25:13 | And these are the names of the sonnes of Ismael, with theyr names in theyr kynreddes. The eldest sonne of Ismael Neuaioth, then Cedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, |
25:14 | Misma, Duma, Masa, |
25:15 | Hadar, Thema Ietur Naphis & Kedma: |
25:16 | These are the sonnes of Ismael, & these are their names, in their townes & castels .xij. princes of nations. |
25:17 | And these are the yeres of the life of Ismael, an hundred & .xxxvij. yere, & then he fel sycke & died, & was laied vnto his people. |
25:18 | And he dwelte from Euila to Sur that is before Egypte, as men go towarde the Assirians. And he dyed in the presence of all hys brethren. |
25:19 | And these are the generations of Isaac, Abrahams sonne: Abraham begat Isaac. |
25:20 | And Isaac was .xl. yere old when he toke Rebecca to wyfe, the doughter of Bethuel the Sirian of Mesopotamia & sister to Laban the Sirien. |
25:21 | And Isaac made intercession vnto the Lord for his wife, bicause she was barren: and the Lord was entreated of hym, & Rebecca hys wyfe conceyued: |
25:22 | & the chyldren stroue togyther wythin hir. Then she sayed: if it should go so to pas, what helpeth it that I am with chylde? And she went & axed the Lorde. |
25:23 | And the Lorde sayed vnto hyr: there are two maner of people in thy wombe, & two nations shall spryng out of thy bowels, and the one nation shal be mightyer then the other, & the eldest shalbe seruant vnto the yonger. |
25:24 | And when hir tyme was come to be deliuered: behold there were two twynes in hir wombe. |
25:25 | And he that came out fyrst was redde & rough ouer al as it were an hyde: and they called hys name Esau. |
25:26 | And afterward hys brother came out, & his hand holding Esau by the hele. Wherefore his name was called Iacob. And Isaac was .lx. yere old when she bare them: |
25:27 | & the boyes grewe, & Esau became a conynge hunter, and a tyl man. But Iacob was a simple man, & dwelled in the tentes |
25:28 | Isaac loued Esau bicause he dyd eate of his venison, but Rebecca loued Iacob. |
25:29 | Iacob sod potage, & Esau came from the feld and was fainety, |
25:30 | & sayd to Iacob: let me sup of the redde potage, for I am faynty. And therfore was his name called Edom. |
25:31 | And Iacob sayd: sell me thys day thy byrthryght. |
25:32 | And Esau answered: Lo, I am at the poynte to dye, & what profit shall this byrthryghte do me? |
25:33 | And Iacob said swere to to me then this day. And he swore to him, & solde hys byrthryght vnto Iacob. |
25:34 | Then Iacob gaue Esau bread & potage of redde ryse. And he eat and dronke & rose vp, & wente hys waye. And so Esau regarded not hys byrthryght. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.